4 Tangible Tips for Praying Well

Podcast 14. – Executive summary

We discuss 4 tips for praying well, especially from the perspective of beginning your time of prayer. We include our take on the Ignation recommendation of becoming aware of God’s presence, and how to dig deeper into that from a practical perspective. This episode also talks about the physical aspects and the deepest motivations for prayer.

The spiritual memories that you build up by writing out your heart and soul over time will allow you to grow in wisdom and humility.

Key takeaways from this podcast episode

  • Paying attention to the physical aspects of prayer should not be ignored.
  • Being aware of God’s presence in your soul can make all the difference.
  • We discuss a few tips for praying well, but most important are our motivations for prayer.

A few questions to take to prayer

  1. Do I begin my time of prayer conscious of what things help and hinder my connection to God?
  2. What things about my prayer have I turned into a positive routine?

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