Don’t You Dare Steal My Prayer Journal

Podcast 06. – Executive summary

Don’t steal my prayer journal! The simple notebook became my most valued possession, more than my TV or computer. The portable, 9-section journal builds spiritual memory by connecting real experiences with transformative prayer. The true measure of success is allowing prayer to shape you into who God intends.

This ninety-nine-cent pad would become, over time, my most prized possession. I can sincerely say that if someone broke into my house today, Iā€™d prefer that they steal my TV or my computer.

Key takeaways from this podcast episode

  • Going through the motions in prayer isn’t enough.
  • Consider adapting prayer to fit your current life situation.
  • Prayer should be about building a relationship where you feel free and peaceful.

A few questions to take to prayer

  1. What do I value most in my life right now?
  2. Have I saved up spiritual memories such that I would care if a thief were to steal my prayer journal?
  3. Am I going through the motions in prayer or connecting to my real-life needs?

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