Praying About The Desire For Peace

Podcast 13. – Executive summary

When praying about loving God, it’s possible to get stuck wondering whether or not you truly love him as you ought. However, praying about the desire for peace can help you in your quest for God.

Your heart will only finally be at peace when you have allowed God to guide you to decide on the right place for everything and to help you put everything in its place.

Key takeaways from this podcast episode

  • Peace is about choosing the right place for everything in your life, in God’s presence in prayer.
  • It’s also about making sure that everything is actually in its place.
  • Praying about the desire for peace is a great stepping stone towards loving God because it grounds us on one of our heart’s deepest desires.

A few questions to take to prayer

  1. Do I believe that growing in desire for God is a goal in and of itself that I should be working on?
  2. Do I pray about searching for and finding peace in my life?

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