Prayer Leads Us To Heaven

Podcast 11. – Executive summary

One of the best measures of success for prayer is found in whether or not our prayer leads us to heaven. The more we reflect on our ultimate purpose, the better we will spend our time on this earth in preparation for eternity.

Everything you do, no matter what, where or how, is spiritual; because, like it or not, you are eternal!

Key takeaways from this podcast episode

  • As spiritual beings, we are capable of awareness, freedom of choice, and we will never cease to exist.
  • The purpose of prayer is both to discover what your deepest principles are, and to make a habit of living by them in every moment.

A few questions to take to prayer

  1. What are my own core spiritual principles that guide everything that I do?
  2. How do I measure the success of my own time of prayer?
  3. Am I convinced that prayer leads us to heaven?

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