Prayer Helps Us Live In The NOW

Podcast 12. – Executive summary

There is no other moment – Now is all you have. Prayer helps us live in the now. We learn awareness and the value of our every living moment.

Mountain Analogy: “I feel torn between wanting to stop and contemplate the ever-expanding view beneath me, now that the sunlight extends well below, and wanting to push on toward the goal above me, which grows closer with every step.

Key takeaways from this podcast episode

  • The spiritual person balances looking back and looking forward during prayer to live more fully in the present moment.
  • Prayer helps us live in the now, allowing us to learn from our mistakes and chart the course of our future.

A few questions to take to prayer

  1. Do you agree that prayer helps us live in the now? Do you find strength from prayer for your everyday discernment?
  2. Does your prayer help you build up spiritual memory over time and learn to work towards realistic spiritual goals?

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