How Prayer Changes From Active To Passive

Podcast 09. – Executive summary

This episode explores the transformative journey in the spiritual life, emphasizing the importance of God’s role in shaping our Prayer, Virtue, and Purification. We discover how prayer changes from active to passive, from vocal recitations to a deeper, more contemplative communion with the divine. The process involves a shift from active efforts to passive surrender, mirroring the positive growth in virtue and the challenging but necessary experience of pruning.

In the spiritual life, you learn to connect with your Creator in a way that you don’t fathom, you don’t understand, you don’t grasp, but that’s how God works in us.

Key takeaways from this podcast episode

How the spiritual journey involves transitioning from active efforts to passive reliance on God:

  • Positive Growth in Virtue: The correlation between virtue and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • Evolution of Prayer: How prayer changes from active to passive, from vocal prayers to a more contemplative communion with the Blessed Trinity.
  • Challenges of Pruning: The shift from actively rooting out vices to accepting the interior trials God gives us to purify us and allow us to grow in humility.

A few questions to take to prayer

  1. How has your relationship with God in prayer evolved over time?
  2. How can you further rely on God to guide and transform you, moving from active efforts to a more passive, surrendered state?
  3. Are there areas in your life where you are resistant to God’s pruning process?

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