Start Your Own Prayer Journal

A 10-Week Online Course

Course Overview

Embark on a transformative journey of spiritual growth through the power of prayer journaling. In this 10-week course, you’ll discover how to connect with God in a profound way, find clarity in your spiritual path, and infuse every aspect of your life with purpose and meaning.

Who is this for?

This course is designed for adults who seek a deeper connection with their faith and want to explore the art of prayer journaling. Whether you’re new to journaling or looking to revitalize your practice, this course is for you.

Course Structure

Each week will include both presentations about how to journal, and group sharing about how they’ve been able to use the journal so far.

  • Instruction: We’ll explore a section of the journal, delving into practical insights and guidance on prayer.
  • Group Feedback: Share your experiences and insights with fellow participants. Learn how others have integrated journaling into their lives.
  • Group Q&A: Engage in open discussions, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding as we explore the intersections of faith and journaling.

Materials Needed:

All you need is a sturdy journal (it could be a simple notebook) and something to write with. Some participants find highlighters and Post-its helpful for organizing their journals.


Communication about scheduling and materials will arrive via email. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via our online form.

Send Your Questions!

Our course will take place using video conference. During the sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with Nathan and with your fellow group participants.

Once enough group participants have registered, we will coordinate the best day and time to meet for our 10-week series.

9 Sections of the Catholic Prayer Journal

The Catholic Prayer Journal is a flexible companion for personal prayer. Individuals can adapt it according to their needs, however, experience has revealed that nine sections are core. This course will focus on the essentials so that each person can then add or adjust as needed.


As you pour out your heart in writing, you form a sacred connection with the Divine. “Dear God” becomes your channel for vulnerability and honesty.


For all those moments when God gives you direction, inspiration, and peace. These are the nudges of the Holy Spirit that are worth hanging onto … for life!


In exploring your distractions, you unearth deeper truths about yourself. “Why do I care?” becomes your quest for understanding and growth.


Faith, hope, and love are the cornerstones of your spiritual journey. “I believe” becomes your affirmation of these virtues that nurture your soul.


For moments when you turn to God, seeking His guidance. “Please” becomes your heartfelt plea, a conversation with the Divine that shapes your path.


In gratitude, you discover the abundant blessings that flow from God’s providence. “Thank you” becomes your song of appreciation for God’s goodness.


In discernment, you navigate life’s crossroads and seek the path of the greatest good. “Which good is best” becomes your guide for making choices.


Amidst the struggles, you commit to giving your best effort. “I will do my best” becomes your mantra of perseverance and growth, in God’s presence!


In resolution, you make choices that shape your spiritual journey. “How can I grow?” becomes your reflection on personal growth and transformation.

Sign up for Our Online Course

Yes, I'm excited to start my very own Prayer Journal. Please let me know when the next online course availability is!