10 Ways To Grow In Faith

Podcast 17. – Executive summary

This episode presents practical ways to grow in faith. Types of prayer, stuff that’s hard, resisting temptation, etc. There are many ways to grow in faith, and this podcast walks through the ones you need the most in your day-to-day spiritual journey.

The stronger our faith, hope, and love, the more united we are with God, who lives in our soul. There is no other growth that is more important.

Key takeaways from this podcast episode

  • Faith is the foundation of your spiritual life, in fact, of your entire life. Learning to grow in faith is one of the most important aspects of being a Christian.
  • The importance of identifying what you believe, and digging deeper into those beliefs through prayer.

A few questions to take to prayer

  1. Do I know what I believe and why? Do I pray through the words of the creed regularly?
  2. When I ask God to increase my faith, am I aware that I’m essentially asking him to be more united with me?

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