Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions about the Catholic Prayer Journal

Of course, praying can be as simple as raising your heart to God during any moment of your life. And to pray, you don’t need anything other than your mind and heart. The methodology presented here includes the use of a journal especially from the perspective of providing very concrete ways to pray, but also for beginning and developing the ability to maintain your spiritual memory.

While several books are on the horizon, they haven’t been published yet. The online course provides you with a concrete way to get started, and the podcast will provide both ongoing training and insights into growth in prayer, and practical tips on personalizing your own prayer journal.

Yes, we encourage groups of friends to join. If you want to ensure that you’re in the same group, just make sure that everyone registers using the online form, and let us know via email that you would like to be kept together.

Feel free to shoot any questions to We will try to answer the most frequently asked questions in future podcasts, briefly on this page, or perhaps in a blog article. The more questions the better!

To be honest, this isn’t about being a good writer, or even about writing a lot. This style of prayer helps you to make sure you’re praying in many different ways – all according to your current needs and ability. The Catholic Prayer Journal is a very flexible companion that anyone can start, even if you’re never tried journaling before.

No! In fact, using a journal to accompany your time with God is not about “prayers” at all. Rather, it’s about being yourself, accepting yourself, and challenging yourself to grow – all in God’s loving presence. It’s a lot more about being, and changing than about saying particular words.

What is unique about this method, is that journaling is divided up into multiple sections, so that you can focus on areas of your life as needed. If you are taking the online course, you will learn about one new section at a time and can divide up your journal with tabs one section at a time as you learn.

This is a great question, however, there is no definitive answer. The course presents nine essential journaling sections, with concrete methods in each. But you may wish to add some that are very personal to you, such as a section for your workplace, or your family members etc. The idea is that there are nine that everyone will need, but you should feel free to add more as you feed the need.

We are currently running a weekly course that is at full capacity. Once we have enough people on the waiting list to start a second course, we will coordinate times and get started without any delays. So, sign up now! online form