A Listening Attitude Will Change Your Life

Podcast 23. – Executive summary

We talk about how God is speaking always and everywhere, and how a listening attitude is something that we need to learn to be able to change. This episode works through the attitudes that allow us to receive from another.

Listening requires accepting the hard fact that you might be wrong; that you could be better; and that the best judge of that is not yourself.

Key takeaways from this podcast episode

  • We need to put aside our desire to necessarily share our opinion, to judge what others are saying, or to play the role of the teacher.
  • When we are proactive in listening, we will approach God with desire, asking him to guide us.

A few questions to take to prayer

  1. Do I have a listening attitude, by being proactive in prayer and asking God to guide me, even though I know the path will be hard?
  2. Do I prioritize the health of my relationship with God over trying to find certainty in concrete answers?

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